The first recorded evidence of attachment dates back to the 12th century and associates the word with things that bind, tighten, or restrict (like a chain). It is believed that the word is a phonetic variant of the tape that had the same meaning. Cartel is ultimately derived from the Greek word for a papyrus leaf, chartēs, and is therefore a parent of card, card and charter. In Latin, the Greek word became a charter and referred either to the sheet or to what is written on the papyrus (for example. B a letter or poem). Old Italian took the word as a carta and used it to refer to a piece of paper or a map. The Cartello form of downsizing was used to designate a poster or poster, and then acquired the feeling of a “written challenge or a letter of challenge.” The French borrowed Cartello as a cartel meaning “a letter of challenge”, and the English then borrowed the French word in form and meaning. The noun Agreement has the meaning of “consent” or “conformity”. It often occurs in legal, commercial or political contexts, where it is synonymous with contract and other similar words for a formal agreement. For obvious reasons, the conclusion of such an agreement would have required the presence and signature of both candidates.

But the sure tone of him did not provide an answer to Mary`s approval. In Middle English, agree agreen was formed and had the different meanings of “please reward, consent, accept”. It was borrowed from the Anglo-French agreements. This word consists of a-, a verbose prefix that dates back to the Latin ad-, and -greer, a verbal derivative of will, which means “gratitude, satisfaction, sympathy, pleasure, approval.” The French base is derived from the Latin grātum, the neutral of grātus, which means “grateful, received with gratitude, welcome, pleasant”. Semantically, the etymology of agree is very pleasant. The word also has a verbal meaning: “to commit or reach a formal agreement”. See Holmes` quote at the convention (above) for an example. If an agreement, contract, decision, etc. is binding, you must do what he says He advised him to be conscientious in turn and ask for a copy of the agreement. Qualified support or agreement is not entirely positive because someone has doubts or criticisms Ronald Reagan approved the agreement and the USTR reviewed Korean practices until the end of his term. As a verb, compromise means giving up something you want in order to reach a mutual agreement (“The union and the employer have agreed on a compromise”).

Another meaning is to “denounce mistrust, discredit or misdeeds,” as in “The actor`s career was compromised by his politically incorrect tweets” or “The editor would not compromise his principles.” And as mentioned above, it can mean that someone or something is exposed to a risk, danger, or serious consequences. Confidential information, national security or the immune system could be called a “compromise”. I agree with a lot of things. I heard Nancy Pelosi say she didn`t want to leave until we had a deal. If you remember, harmony is also synonymous with grammatical agreement. Encyclopedia article on the agreement But the contract can refer to any agreement between two or more parties that is legally enforceable. As a general rule, a contract establishes an obligation on each party to do something (e.B. to provide goods or services at a fixed price and according to a specific schedule).

It can also create the obligation not to do something (for example. B disclose sensitive company information). Accord appears in Old English with the meaning “to reconcile” or “to reconcile”, which was borrowed from its Anglo-French etymon, acorder, a word related to the Latin concordāre meaning “to agree”. This original sense of agreement is transitive, and in modern English it still occurs, but rarely. His transitive sense of “giving or giving according to what is appropriate, due or deserved” – as in “Teacher`s Students Pay Tribute” – is more common. In November 2014, this agreement was extended by four months, with some additional restrictions for Iran. The move went hand in hand with a bipartisan agreement to offer all registered voters the opportunity to vote by mail or vote earlier, according to the Louisville Courier Journal. In the law, consent is used specifically for the voluntary consent or consent of an adult who is not under duress or coercion and who generally has knowledge or understanding. “Age” means “age of consent”, i.e. the age at which a person is considered legally entitled to give consent.

Eighteen is the standard age of consent in the United States. Another well-known use of the convention is in law and politics, where it is used as a term for an agreement between two or more groups (as countries or political organizations) to resolve issues that concern everyone – for example, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. .